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Updated 7/5/2015

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Sometimes runners get cramps during or after a long or hard run.

I don’t have any experience with cramping during a run, but I’ve had plenty of cramps after I run. Here is a list of the most probable causes and how to prevent them:

But this doesn’t do you a lot of good when the excruciating pain of a cramp hits your thigh or calf or somewhere else in your body.

First of all try to stand on the leg and put pressure on it to straighten it out. If it is another part of your body try to stretch it. If the cramp is in your calf, standing and trying to put weight on that leg will help. As the muscle starts to relax and stretch the pain will lessen. But don’t try to over stretch it.

I’ve also had some success with squeezing my lower lip between my teeth, that is biting it, but not so hard as to draw blood. You just want to put good firm pressure on it. I don’t know if it is the distraction from the original source of pain or if there is some physiological reason. This did seem to help me once when I got a cramp in a tent and couldn’t stand up.

Gently massage the constricted muscle to encourage it to relax. Once it has relaxed carefully move it around to get more blood flowing into the area. This may trigger another cramp so be prepared.

With a really severe cramp, you may have actually bruised the muscle and it may take a few days to totally relax and heal. Just be patient and treat it tenderly.

A side stitch is a type of cramp. It is usually caused by not enough warmup before a hard workout.

Copyright © 2015 Vincent Hale