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Updated 5/1/2016

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People run for a variety of reasons. Here are just a few:

You probably started running because you were motivated by one or more of these. If you are consistent then it becomes a habit. Before long your habit will grow into a passion.

It's a good idea to write down your reasons for running and goals. Whenever you are having difficulty during a run or motivation to go out on a run, review these reasons. Maybe that reminder will be incentive to start or continue.

Maybe you have a specific race or distance or pace or time as a goal. Everyone needs a password. Compose a mantra that encapsulates your goal. Then make a password using the first letter of each word of your mantra. That way every time you type in your password, you are reminded of your goal.

Strive to become a lifelong runner. I always check out the race results of the 70-74 year olds in my club. They are FAST. And they are such an inspiration to me. I hope I am doing as well when I get to be their age.

Hopefully running will become a way of life. You may find it becoming more and more important and infiltrating other aspects of your life like healthy eating.

Running is a journey with no finish line. Enjoy the journey. Races are just a mile marker along the road. The journey may be hard, but crossing the finish line will be priceless!

A race is a goal to focus on, to shoot for, to train for.  But it’s not why we run.  The purpose of our running is to do the work for our physical and mental fitness, for the enjoyment, for the challenge.  Enjoy the weeks of training and don’t be so focused on the couple of hours of the race event.

For some, running is what you have to do so you can do what you want to do. You run so you can eat; run so you can be more active with your children!

It’s not about “having” time, it’s about making time. If it matters, you will make the time.

You have to get through the tough parts to get to the good parts. It's not easy getting out there day after day, but we do it because we know we will be better off in the long term.

Hopefully your goal is to be a lifelong runner; making running part of your lifestyle. But sometimes life gets in your way – illness, injury, job, family … When this happens you just do the best you can and get back to running as soon as possible – which may be years. If it is a short interruption of a few days, consider it to be a taper and come back rejuvenated and strong. But if it is much longer there are a lot of things you can do to maintain some level of fitness. If possible, go for a short run even if it’s only ten minutes or do cross training like swimming or biking. Incorporate your family into your workouts. Do body weight exercises. It only takes a minute to do a set of squats, lunges, pushups, crunches, dips using a chair, balance on one leg, or a plank. Doing these throughout the day will get you a good workout. Get creative! And when you eventually get back into serious running, take it easy and build up your mileage and intensity slowly.

Running makes me feel good about myself and life in general. I've never gone out for a run and wish I hadn't done it.

Often on runs, my mind seems to clear and sometimes i can solve difficult life problems better.

Running in general is therapeutic. It can help you relax, reduce tension and stress. You will feel better after a run and everyone around you will appreciate your positive attitude. And Running on a Trail in Nature is even better! It is so peaceful. Your head will clear; you'll solve problems not just about running but also those in your life.

Being able to run is a gift that not everyone is given. You are blessed to be healthy enough to participate in the sport. In 2014 a record nearly 2 million finished a half marathon (that's probably a million individuals). Less than 1% of the USA population have run a 5K race. You have a lot to be thankful for.

If you don’t think you are special, then do some people watching at a big grocery store, the mall, a sporting event, or anyplace there is a cross section of the population. How many of the people look like they could run a 5K or even a mile? You will be amazed at how out of shape the general population is!

What are your goals - both short and long term? Write them down and see how they change over time.

You are elite just by getting out and running!

Copyright © 2015 Vincent Hale