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Updated 10/28/2015

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I have no affiliation with UCAN. I have to buy it just like you.

Up to this point in my running, I have been totally fueled by gel. But I've recently heard several podcast about people using Generation UCAN™ and thought I should give it a try. Below are my experiences as I experimented on myself.

Simple sugars like honey and agave nectar are very small molecules and are quickly broken down and used by your body. Maltodextrin which is used in most gels and other products is a larger molecule that takes longer for your body to process.

Generation UCAN Sports Nutrition™ is made of much larger complex carbohydrates called super starches. They take longer to digest so they don't spike your blood glucose. They are supposed to enhance fat burning so you can avoid hitting the wall. It's supposed to cause fewer stomach issues and give you better performance since your body doesn't have to work digesting food. I found it to be a little thick like a thin shake. The flavor and texture are actually very pleasant, a welcome change from the super sweet gels.

Copyright © 2015 Vincent Hale