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Updated 12/23/2016

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It is okay to walk during a run or race. On trails it may be safer on technical sections with lots of rocks, roots ... But when you walk do so with the purpose of not slowing down too much. It’s pretty easy to break your run and settle into a 30 minute per mile stroll in order to recover.

Walk with a purpose and a plan. Walking with purpose means keeping up a brisk pace. Your plan should be to set a limit on how long you allow yourself to walk before you start running again. Pick a landmark or decide on the number of steps or amount of time and stick to it.

During a race, if you get to the top of a hill and you have to walk then you would probably have been better off power walking up the hill and starting to run at the peak. You don’t lose that much time walking up a short hill compared to running up it. And in the miles after the hill you will be much better off and probably make up at least the time you lost on the hill and maybe much, much more.

Practice walking briskly, power walking, on the flat and uphill.

Here is a video showing the speed walking technique. Ian Whatley's Racewalking -Basics.

Copyright © 2015 Vincent Hale