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Updated 7/5/2015

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You may think of running as an individual sport and indeed it is except for relays. But in the larger and smaller picture it is very much a team sport.

During a training run or a race, the people around you are part of your team. You can help each other along and use each other for inspiration or competition.

The people around you may encourage you, give you some kind words, tell you how good you are doing. But at some point, someone is bound to mark you as their target … someone they want to beat. Then the two of you may engage in friendly competition, but you are actually helping each other improve.

I remember one race I was tired before I even started running. It wasn’t a race I was concerned with my time, I just wanted to participate in it (actually I just wanted the race shirt). I was cruising towards the finish line when I passed a woman who was loudly huffing and puffing. Shortly after I left her behind, I heard her coming up behind me – she wanted to beat me! At that moment I decided that I felt good enough that I wasn’t going to let that happen so I picked up my pace a couple minutes per mile for the last quarter mile (my interval and strides training allowed me to do that!) and left her behind. But I’ve also been on the other end of that where I picked someone that I wanted to beat, but couldn’t keep in front of them.

No matter if you know it or not, you are helping each other, pushing each other to be stronger and to perform better.

Running with a training group can be invaluable. You can encourage each other, give each other helpful hints, and hold each other accountable. I am much more likely to run if I know someone is depending on me to be there. Running with a group gives you someone to talk with, someone to listen to, someone to share with and to help solve each other’s problems. They may even become your best friend! Ever hear of a BRF – Best Running Friend?

On a smaller scale your body is also a team. In order to run, your legs have to propel you, your heart has to move blood through your body, your lungs have to take in oxygen, your stomach has to provide energy, your mind has to keep track of everything and keep everything working in concert.

Copyright © 2015 Vincent Hale