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Updated 7/5/2015

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Breathe through either your nose or mouth or both, whatever works best for you.

Breathe from your stomach, not the top of your chest. While you are laying down, place one hand on the top of your chest and one on your stomach just above your belly button. Breathe normally. The hand on your chest should remain still, but the hand on your stomach should move in and out. If you breathe from the top of your chest then take opportunities to lay down and practice while reading until it becomes more natural. Breathing this way uses your diaphragm and gets fresh air deeper into your lungs letting your body absorb more oxygen with every breath.

Blowing up balloons can increase your lung capacity and strength. Swimming is a great cross training exercise that will help you develop stronger lungs.

In cold weather you may find that breathing through your mouth makes your lungs hurt. When you breathe through your nose, the air is warmed and humidified before going to your lungs. Breathing in occasionally through your nose will help and so will wearing a scarf or neck gaiter over your mouth and nose.

Some elite runners synchronize their breathing with their foot strikes. They breathe in over a prescribed number of foot strikes and out over a number of foot strikes. There are a lot of opinions on this.

Copyright © 2015 Vincent Hale